Noccundra to Toompine
"The Places We Haven't Been" Tour
The second leg was north east to Toompine Station which boasts its own pub (of course), an almost all weather airstrip about three km away and some dongas for passing travellers in need of some accommodation. The owner picked us up from the airstrip and put on a BBQ lunch for us.

The weather had started to close in further and we were left dodging the showers on the way in.  Some of the showers were pretty thick and necessitated some diversions. 
Of course, the rain for us was a real pain but for the  locals was heaven sent. Toompine had not had rain for nearly two years.  Quilpie up the road had not seen any for more than eighteen months. Some places had not had any for three years.  So our coming had coincided with the long awaited rain. So the locals couldn't have cared less that it interrupted our plans!